Air Quality Testing Equipment & Much More…
Don Wolf & Associates Staff

Don Wolf & Associates, Inc. was born in 1983 from the fertile mind of its creator; Donald M. Wolf, Sr. Don worked for 21 years with ITT General Controls. He left to pursue his own dreams and, with the knowledge he gained on solenoid valves and their applications, started Don Wolf & Associates with one customer, one principal, a typewriter and a phone. Don Sr.’s original vision was to create a company that would service the OEM who used solenoid valves and other components for automation.
The company had its modest beginning in the den and spare bedroom of his house in Woodland Hills, CA. His oldest son, Mark Wolf came to the business as the first “associate” in 1985 to help the business “just till he got it going” (Mark is still there and is now the President and VP of Sales & Marketing). Associate and son number two, Don Wolf, Jr., came on board in 1987 to work the accounting and the paper mill and is currently the Vice President and VP of Operations.
The Northridge earthquake in 1994 forced the family company to move into a real office in Woodland Hills, bringing Don Sr’s wife Joan in to handle the phones and clerical work. Mark’s wife, Debbie later took over that job when Don and Joan both took their retirement in 2005. In November 2006 they moved to where they are today in Chatsworth, CA.
Since the move, they have expanded their sales region to help cover their product lines throughout the state of California, Southern Nevada and Hawaii. In 2008 Don Wolf & Associates welcomed Bonnie M. Snyder, to assist with Sales & Marketing including website maintenance and Aron Faria, the new Service Technician!
Don Sr.’s original idea was to “make it easy for the customer to do business” and this credo still continues today.
The company has expanded their product lines to include analyzers for indoor air quality, chemicals and particles in ambient air and exhaust gases and many other analyzers for emission needs, including air quality testing equipment. The also offers repair, training and advocacy. Don Wolf & Associates, Inc. has been a member in good standing of MANA for 20 years.
With a heavy heart, Don Wolf & Associates, Inc. announces that Donald M. Wolf, Sr., its founder, passed away on July 10, 2019 following complications from a stroke. He was 89.
Donald M. Wolf, Sr.
Don Sr. started Don Wolf & Associates back in 1983 with one customer, one principal, a typewriter and a phone. His original vision was to create a company servicing the OEM who used solenoid valves and other components for automation.
The company had its modest beginning in the den and spare bedroom of Don Sr.’s house in Woodland Hills, CA. During the mid-1980s both his sons, Mark and Don, joined the growing organization.
The Northridge earthquake in 1994 forced the family company to move into a real office in Woodland Hills, bringing Don Sr’s wife Joan in to handle the phones and clerical work. After both Don Sr. and Joan retired in 2005, the two sons took over and moved to new facilities in Chatsworth CA.
In 2013, Don Sr. was honored by the ISA Los Angeles with the Creation of the Donald M. Wolf Industry Achievement Award and became its first recipient. The award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements resulting in significant positive progress within the process instrumentation controls and automation community and who have contributed to the positive influence of the Los Angeles Section of ISA. Don Sr. had been a member of ISA since the early 1960’s.
His honesty, integrity, and compassion will be deeply missed by all who knew him.
Please, contact us for your equipment needs and thank you for putting your trust in us!
Also more water testing, transmitting & monitoring products at