835-H1 Moisture Module IR Thermometer 4 point laser

835-H1 Moisture Module IR Thermometer 4 point laser


835-H1 Moisture Module IR Thermometer 4 point laser sighting data logging & external probe input

  • Measures temperature / moisture / dew point
  • Calculates surface moisture content
  • Easy to follow menu guide, memory of up to 200 readings, data analysis with free to download software
  • 4-point laser and 50:1 optics for precise measurements, even over long distances

Non-contact temperature and moisture measurements using only one device. The testo 835-H1 infrared thermometer measures the air temperature, and has an intergrated moisture sensor for measuring moisture, too.

Product Description

Perform temperature and moisture measurements on walls, monitor and check air conditioning and ventilation systems, service and inspect industrial systems, and ensure constantly high levels of quality in production processes. Ideal for a wide range of industrial and commercial applications.

What the testo 835-H1 infrared thermometer and moisture meter can do

  • Measure surface temperature / RH and check dew point / surface moisture
  • Timely detection of mold in buildings
  • Carry out quick and safe measurements on small / moving / hard to reach objects

State of the art technology and easy handling

  • 4-point laser shows exact measuring zone, effectively preventing incorrect measurements
  • 50:1 optics for excellent surface temperature measurements, even over greater distances (distance 16 ft  = 4 in. measurement spot)
  • Adjustable degree of emission (for measuring a wide variety of different surfaces)
  • Connectivity for temperature sensors for additional contact measurements (for materials with low degrees of emission). Simply connect optional temperature sensor
  • Easy to use, easy to follow menu guide, thanks to icons and joystick
  • Generate measuring points and save up to 200 measurements
  • Define individual alarm thresholds, acoustic and optical alarm
  • Display min/max values
  • Backlit display
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Product Model: 0560 8353

SKU: 0560 8353 Category: Tag: