Testo 865s Thermal Imager (160 x 120 pixels)

Testo 865s Thermal Imager (160 x 120 pixels)


  • Image quality with IR resolution of 160 x 120 pixels (320 × 240 pixels with testo SuperResolution technology)testo logo
  • Thermal sensitivity of 0.18 °F (0.1 °C)
  • Automatic detection of hot and cold spots
  • Free analytical software for creating professional reports
  • Fast measurement with fixed focus
  • Measuring accuracy of ±3.6 °F (±2 °C)

The testo 865s thermal imager combines all the important properties required for high-quality thermographic measurement – it is accurate, robust, fast and reliable. The testo 865s provides high-quality thermography at an affordable price and keeps going even in tough working conditions. The case supplied with the thermal imager means it can be conveniently transported, so it is always there for you when needed.

Product Description

The testo 865s thermal imager offers professional technology and concentrates on functions which are needed in a contractor’s daily work. The testo 865s is a user-friendly thermal imager, optimized for fast and efficient work. With the testo ScaleAssist functions ensuring optimum setting of the thermal image scale for building thermography and the IFOV warner making sure you avoid measurement errors, you will always generate the perfect infrared image.

Areas of application of the testo 865s thermal imager

Detect leaks, identify overheated connections, pinpoint thermal bridges or detect structural defects. The testo 865s thermal imager is ideal for applications in daily maintenance and installation work in trade and industry. It enables time-saving quality assurance and ensures reliable production control.

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